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Affordable Housing Projections

Often times, signed & notarized 12-month projections are required as part of HDC applications for Affordable Housing. These applications can be found require various application documents to be submitted in order to be accepted for affordable housing.

This application can vary in levels of complexity, but some of the things asked for typically include:

  • Statements of assets (bank statements, etc.)
  • W2s, 1099s, etc
  • Workman’s Comp received
  • Child support court documents
  • Prior year tax returns (Federal)
  • Prior year tax returns (state)
  • If self employed, 12 month net income projection signed by CPA

Some agencies require the income projection to be very detailed, breaking out each expense line item and explaining how each was calculated. George Dimov, CPA has prepared dozens of such notarized reports with a strong track record of application acceptance.

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